Reading groups from LDAP

Michael Ströder michael at
Wed Jun 18 11:15:12 CEST 2008

Melita Mihaljevic wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm wondering which is the generic way to search for groups in LDAP.
> I used: search_groups = lo.search_st(base_dn, ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE, 
> '(ou=Group)')

The filter (ou=Group) does not make sense to me. You're probably mixing 
this with the search root.

1. Bear in mind that there are many different types of group entries out 
in the wild. LDAP entries are typed by object class. So your filter has 
to specifically search for group entries by object class.

2. Additionally for determining whether a certain user is member of a 
group you have to compare a certain member attribute within the group 
entry with an attribute within the user's entry or the DN of the entry.

3. You should never ever (accidently) request the member attribute 
within the group entry to be returned in the search results since some 
groups can be big leading to a large amount of data to be returned.

The user entry:
dn: cn=michael str\C3\B6der,ou=private,dc=stroeder,dc=de
uid: michael
mail: michael at

Example of a filter generated by web2ldap (normally everything in one 
line, broke up here for readability):

  (&(objectClass=rfc822MailGroup)(mail=michael at
  (&(objectClass=mailGroup)(mgrpRFC822MailMember=michael at
  (&(objectClass=nisMailAlias)(rfc822MailMember=michael at

Ciao, Michael.

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