problem using python-ldap under fcgi

Matt Bartolome mattxbart at
Wed Aug 27 23:14:46 CEST 2008

On Wed, Aug 27, 2008 at 1:30 PM, Michael Ströder <michael at> wrote:
> Matt Bartolome wrote:
>> My apologies on the wild goose chase but after using valgrind on my
>> fcgi process it is python cx_Oracle (would have never guessed that!)
>> which triggers the segmentation fault when ldap.initialize() is
>> called. Why it does this is beyond me but a simple alteration of my
>> code makes the problem go away completely. I was creating a global
>> oracle db cursor which I'm now creating inside the functions that use
>> it.
>> I'm not sure about the glib c error and patch now. Using the original
>> release without modification works so I will leave it at that.
> Glad you figured out what the issue was. It's good if you don't run a
> patched version of python-ldap. In general and thanks to the
> contributors who provided patches in the past python-ldap seems fairly
> stable.

I'll take a stab at this. I'll give you fair warning though that I
don't know much about C. It looks like the modifications would be
fairly straight forward though given I can find the recommended usage
and documentation. I left off at the type cast build warnings so I
just need to figure that in plus make sure it is backwards compatible
(I saw an example showing how to do that).

> But let's look at the blog entry which convinced you to try patching
> python-ldap (see
> "Some other searching suggests that python-cdb's use of PyMem_DEL is no
> longer recommended."
> That's pretty unprecise, not even a single URL.
> But if somebody can add more detailed information to this it could be
> helpful to dive into this. IMO an admirable goal of python-ldap is not
> to fall back behind what's considered current best practice when writing
> extension modules for CPython.
> Ciao, Michael.

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