using Kerberos to authenticate to Active Directory from python ldap

Olivier Sessink oliviersessink at
Thu Apr 9 22:39:53 CEST 2009

Hi all,

I'm trying to script a function that can retrieve if a user is member of 
a group in active directory. The previous script was a shell script with 
a ldapsearch call for every user. You can image that took long on a 
thousand users.

So I'm rewriting the script for python. However, I cannot get the 
kerberos authentication right.

ld = ldap.initialize('activedirectory-dns')
ld.sasl_interactive_bind_s('', ldap.sasl.gssapi('user at REALM'))
ld.search_s(self.base, ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE, '(CN=groupname)', ['Member'])

I get an error that I don't have the right credentials.

However it works with ldapsearch, so the Kerberos ticket is valid and 
correct for this query..

Anybody a tip how to continue? Or an example script that uses Kerberos?


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