[python-ldap] modrdn changeTypes

Michael Ströder michael at stroeder.com
Tue Jul 23 09:13:42 CEST 2013

Joseph L. Casale wrote:
> I need to modify the cn and ou components of several AD users through
> ldif files and cannot perform the operation over ldap. Does the ldif module
> support writing such types?

Writing LDIF change records is not well supported by module ldif. This really 
needs work.

You could try to sub-class LDIFWriter and extend/modify methods unparse() and 

BTW: In former times my idea was to implement a drop-in replacement for 
LDAPObject which simply writes LDIF instead of performing the LDAP operations. 
But I currently don't have the time for that.

Ciao, Michael.

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