[python-ldap] Solaris, Python-LDAP, Apache: SEGFAULT due to shared library mismatch?

Steffen Moser lists at steffen-moser.de
Thu Aug 29 22:48:08 CEST 2013

Hi Michael,

On 8/29/13 7:46 PM, Michael Ströder wrote:
> Steffen Moser wrote:
>>  - Python-LDAP 2.4.13 (self-compiled and linked against OpenLDAP 
>>    2.4.30)
>> Compilation and installation of Python-LDAP worked well, but as soon
>> as a Python script actually uses the LDAP connection, the web server
>> worker process dies with a "Segmentation Fault". 
>> When I deactivate the Apache module "mod_ldap.so", the problem is 
>> gone and Python-LDAP seems to run quite fine,
> I suspect mod_ldap is using a different flavour/version of libldap. Make sure
> python-ldap and Apache's mod_ldap are linked against the very same libldap.

OK, then this is -as suspected- definitively the cause of my problem...

> Check with ldd or whatever tool like this is available on Solaris.

Yes, "ldd" is available and this tool showed it.

> P.S.: Only mailing list subscribers can directly post to the list. Please
> subscribe to the (low-traffic) list so I don't have to manually approve your
> posting and others can answer/learn as well.

Thank you for this information, but as far as I know, I had success-
fully subscribed (using the Mailman web interface) to the list before
posting. I had, of course, also confirmed the subscription and had
gotten the "Welcome message". The mail I got after sending my message
to the list, was:

 | Your mail to 'python-ldap' with the subject
 |     Solaris, Python-LDAP, Apache: SEGFAULT due to shared library
 |     mismatch?
 | Is being held until the list moderator can review it for approval.
 | The reason it is being held:
 |   Post to moderated list


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