[python-ldap] ldap.modlist.modifyModlist

Joseph L. Casale jcasale at activenetwerx.com
Thu Nov 27 00:13:30 CET 2014

> Thanks for responding, and I appreciate the nudge in the right direction.  Unfortunately, I am new to both ldap and python, so I'm not quite sure where to go.  If it should be a delete, should it be similar to the form
>deleteDN = 'memberUid='+member1+',cn='+GRP+',ou=Group,dc=example,dc=com'
>If I'm asking too much, I apologize.

Nothing to apologize for,

You dont want to delete a dn, you want modify an object and
delete a single value for a given attribute type.


You know the dn (the group), now construct the modlist.

Use the modlist facility:

maybe something like [(MOD_DELETE, 'memberUid', ['the_member_dn'])]

Just be aware in this case, if you pass do not specify a member, or list of
members, you drop the entire multivalued attribute type. Probably not
what you want...


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