[python-ldap] Getting all active directory attributes

Ziad Badawi ziadbad at gmail.com
Tue Feb 24 11:29:18 CET 2015


So I'm trying (according to my research)

res = l.search_s('CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=domain,DC=local',
ldap.SCOPE_BASE, '(objectclass=*)', ['*','+'] )

To get all attributes of my domain (server 2012).But i'm only getting those:

['distinguishedName', 'repsFrom', 'replUpToDateVector', 'cn',
'objectCategory', 'objectClass', 'masteredBy', 'objectGUID', 'repsTo',
'whenChanged', 'whenCreated', 'uSNCreated', 'msDs-masteredBy',
'uSNChanged', 'instanceType', 'dSCorePropagationData', 'name']

which are for sure not all of them, the attribute editor on the server has
a lot more.
Am I missing something?

Any help is appreciated.

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