[python-ldap] Can i check if the group exist in active directory using python ldap

Sebastian Wiesner sebastian.wiesner at tu-dresden.de
Fri Sep 9 09:38:52 EDT 2016

Yes, I know. But thank you for pointing this out though. To use 
objectClass=group would not work in my case, but using part of the DN 
would. It all depends on how the actual directory is set up. Thats what 
I already mentioned.


Am 09.09.2016 um 15:29 schrieb Michael Ströder:
> Sebastian Wiesner wrote:
>> the actual filter string for "user in group exist" depends on which LDAP object
>> is holding this information inside which attribute, so please provide further
>> information. Provided your group RDN part is cn=<group name>,ou=Group your
>> filterstring for verifying a special group exists is as follows:
>> (&(ou:dn:=Group)(cn=<group name>))
> With this filter you're assuming that the string "ou=Group" is a component of
> the group entry's DN. This is wrong in most cases.
> Should rather be:
> (&(objectClass=group)(cn=<group name>))
> Ciao, Michael.

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