Python too slow for real world

Arne Mueller a.mueller at
Fri Apr 23 12:38:51 EDT 1999

Hi All,

thanks very much for all the suggestions how to speed up things and how
to THINK about programming in python. I got alot of inspiration from
your replys. However the problem of reading/writing larges files line by
line is the source of slowing down the whole process.

def rw(input, output):
    while 1:
        line = input.readline()
        if not line: break

f = open('very_large_file','r')
rw(f, stdout)

The file I read in contains 2053927 lines and it takes 382 sec to
read/write it where perl does it in 15 sec. These simple read/write
functions use the functions from the C standard library, don't they? So,
readline/write don't seem to be implemented very efficently ... (?)

I can't read in the whole file as a single block, it's too big, if
readline/write is slow the program will never get realy fast :-(

	thanks a lot for discussion,


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