bzip2 module for Python

Laurence Tratt tratt at
Mon Apr 19 17:26:42 EDT 1999

In message <Pine.GSO.4.10.9904190924420.14513-100000 at saarland>
          Andreas Jung <ajung at> wrote:

> Is there a module for the bzip2 compression library available or in the
> making ?

I have put together a quick interface to the bzip2 compression system which
- for a couple of days or so - has a temporary home at:

I'm putting this out to see if there's any interest in developing it
further. At the moment, the module has two methods: 'compress' &

It's not been tested much, but the main parts seem to work. As I said, I am
interested to know if there is a demand for this, so comments are


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