add type predicates to types module?

Jeremy Hylton jeremy at
Fri Apr 2 17:57:38 EST 1999

This is a really good idea.  I know I've got type predicates of many
different flavors in code I've been working on recently.  The tough
question, I think, is how to decide which predicates are needed and
how to implement them.

The folkloric "file-like object" type is a good example.  When people
say "file-like object" they mean an object that responds in a
reasonable way to the particular subset of methods on a builtin file
object that they are interested in.

isSequence might be a better example, since you want to capture
instances that implement the sequence protocol along with tuples,
lists, and strings.  I use:

def isSequence(s):
        0 in s
    except TypeError:
	return 0
        return 1

def isCallable(obj):
    if type(obj) in (types.BuiltinFunctionType,
		     types.BuiltinMethodType,  types.LambdaType,
	# XXX could include types.UnboundMethodType
	return 1
    if type(obj) == types.InstanceType:
	return hasattr(obj, '__call__')
    return 0

In the particular application I needed, I know I would not want to
include UnboundMethodTypes.  In the general case, though, I think it
should be included.


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