Problems with InteractiveInterpreter

Tim Peters tim_one at
Mon Apr 12 22:40:39 EDT 1999

[Marcel Lanz, runs this:

    from code import InteractiveInterpreter

    lines = open('', 'r').readlines()

    ii = InteractiveInterpreter()
    for line in lines:

over input containing

    for i in 'hello':
        print i

and gets an error]

> any ideas?

Sure!  Stick "print " in front of your line, look at the return
values it prints, then read runsource's docstring.  You can't expect it to
work feeding it one line at a time; you need to feed it a complete
executable fragment; & the return values tell you whether you've fed it

You'll get a bit closer doing this instead:

input = ""
for line in lines:
    input = input + line
    status = ii.runsource(input)
    if status == 0:
        input = ""

But then you'll find that

for i in 'hello':
    print i
    print "OK!"

doesn't work as you want.  At that point, you're ready to study the
InteractiveConsole class (also in to see what's really needed.

try-to-think-like-the-interpreter<wink>-ly y'rs  - tim

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