Understanding Tk
Cameron Laird
claird at Starbase.NeoSoft.COM
Tue Apr 6 13:19:03 EDT 1999
In article <7eabbe$pbu$1 at Starbase.NeoSoft.COM>, I exhorted:
>Are you in the position of explaining Tk(inter) to others, or
>simply want to understand it better for yourself? The PerlTk
[complicated URL;
my one-sentence
synopsis of Tk;
and so on]
A gentle correspondent pointed out that my language
in this article was indistinguishable from that of
mass marketers. That was *not* my aim. Here's what
I have to say:
1. comp.lang.perl.tk has recently discussed
Nancy Walsh's *Learning Perl/Tk* book.
This thread interests me. I think the
testimony of some of its readers bears
weight for subjects well beyond PerlTk.
First, much of what's said about PerlTk
applies immediately to Tk, Tkinter,
SchemeTk, ... Beyond that, several of
the remarks on style, tone, and approach
is pertinent to anyone aiming to teach
any scripting language or extension.
Therefore, I commend this thread to the
attention of everyone writing references
or documents or tutorials.
The URL I gave looks ugly because I
haven't yet figured out a better one.
DejaNews made yet another cursed change
in its syntax, and it's now painful to
direct readers to an appropriate view
of a thread.
2. Lots of Tk is common to any WIMP system
or toolkit ("design interface carefully
... mouse ... blah-blah ..."). People
*really* start to enjoy and benefit from
Tk (PerlTk, Tkinter, ...), though, when
they "get" a few key ideas. It's impor-
tant to think deeply about what makes Tk
special. I hope book authors do this.
Cameron Laird http://starbase.neosoft.com/~claird/home.html
claird at NeoSoft.com +1 281 996 8546 FAX
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