swig or not to swig ?

Kevin Dahlhausen morse at harborcom.net
Tue Apr 6 07:39:03 EDT 1999

>Didn't have much luck with bgen.
>modulator seems handy, Is there a reason to prefer swig ?

Ahh, because it works really well?  :)
Seriously,  depending on the library, it can make creating wrappers trivial.
It can do most of the work itself, you just have to help it with ambiguos
parameters - like int * refererring to a list of ints or something.   Python is
very well documented on the swig site.  Give it a shot.  

Having said that. I would guess - not having used modulator - that a reason not
to prefer swig is that you need to compile a shared module.   does the modulator

produce a pure python source result?

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