wrapped around the axle on regexpressions and file searching

Christian Tismer tismer at appliedbiometrics.com
Sat Apr 24 11:10:48 EDT 1999

Gordon McMillan wrote:
> msrisney writes:


> At any rate, os.path.exists('e:/') is an effective way of finding out
> if e: exists. Though specifying 'a:/' will pop up one of those lovely
> Abort/Retry/Fail dialogs if nothing is in the drive.

Not always. On my Win98 box, the floppy drive brushes teeth for
a second, and then I get back *one* from os.path.exists.
This is really bad, since I didn't insert a floppy.

> in-nearly-20-years-I-still-haven't-figured-out-the-difference-between
>  -Abort-and-Fail-ly y'rs

Some of my early dos tools aborted immediately from the DOS 
function when I hit abort, while they caught the error and
some were able to continue, when I answered with "Fail".
So I think the designed intent was to give the user a chance
to decide wether the program should shut down, or an internal
error handler should get a chance.

Anyway no good solution - ciao - chris

Christian Tismer             :^)   <mailto:tismer at appliedbiometrics.com>
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