Kosovo database; Python speed

Martijn Faassen faassen at pop.vet.uu.nl
Wed Apr 21 07:20:06 EDT 1999

Richard van de Stadt wrote:
> Suppose we were going to make a database to help Kosovars locate
> their family members. This would probably result in hundreds of
> thousands of records (say 1 record (file) per person).
> Would Python be fast enough to manage this data, make queries on
> the data, or should compiled programs be used?

Depends on what queries you make, but if used smartly, Python can
probably be fast enough. From what I've heard Gadfly is (a database
implemented in Python).

Another alternative is to use Python in combination with an external
database, and communicate to the database with SQL. This is pretty fast.
See for more info:


Another thing you may want to look at is Zope -- they have an object
database implemented in Python. It's web oriented, but perhaps that is
what you want:




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