1.5.2 broke IRIX module loading

Randall Hopper aa8vb at vislab.epa.gov
Fri Apr 16 06:29:19 EDT 1999

Thanks for the reply.

 |> "currstep" is the internal FORTRAN routine which has been zeroed-out.
 |  But I don't know what zeroed-out means in this context.  For me
 |I found which were missing with "nm library.so | grep UNDEFINED"

I don't know exactly how they built this library, but somehow they
internalized the FORTRAN function names so that they are not exported by
the FORTRAN objects (e.g. currstep in currstep.o), while a dangling
reference exists to them in the C wrapper object (e.g. currstepc.o):

Symbols from currstep.o:

  [Index]  Value Size  Class  Type               Section    Name

  [0]     |    0|   |File    |ref=16               |Text     | /tmp_mnt/pub/storage/xcc/work/m3io/currstep.f
  [1]     |    0|   |Proc    |end=15 unsigned long |Text     | currstep_
->[2]     |   -8|   |Local   |unsigned long        |Abs      | currstep
  Symbols frstepc
  [Index]            Class    Type               Section    Name
  [0]     |    0|   |File    |ref=15               |Text     | /tmp_mnt/pub/storage/xcc/work/m3io/currstepc.c
  [1]     |    0|   |Proc    |end=14 int           |Text     | currstepc
  [13]    |  420|   |End     |ref=1                |Text     | currstepc
->[101]   |    0|   |Proc    |                     |Undefined| currstep

If one links with and calls any of these wrappers (e.g. currstepc()), it
works fine.


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