Dylan vrs Python (was; Re: Python IS slow ! [was] Re: Python too slow for real world)

Reimer Behrends behrends at cse.msu.edu
Thu Apr 29 19:37:24 EDT 1999

Jason Trenouth (jason at harlequin.com) wrote:
> with-heavy-troll ()
> What would you give for interactive development and native compilation and
> incremental gc and objects-all-the-way-down and extensible syntax and COM and
> CORBA and a great GUI toolkit?
> end;

A lot--now if I could only get Harlequin Dylan to (1) use a readable
font and (2) run on my Linux machine. So I have to settle for Gwydion
Dylan right now, which is nice, but not nearly as nice as what you
described above. :)

(I would still second Jason's comment and suggest that people have a
look at the free version of Harlequin Dylan--if I had to develop code
under Windows, it would probably be my IDE of choice, with a couple of

				Reimer Behrends

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