pil vs gd

Andrew M. Kuchling akuchlin at cnri.reston.va.us
Fri Apr 30 10:49:00 EDT 1999

John Leach writes:
>gd does what I need; but in order to get some sort of context - does pil
>provide, or is intended to provide one day, a superset of gd - or are
>they separate beasts?

	PIL is far more powerful than gd, and is aiming at a more
ambitious target; it can handle formats other than GIF, for a
start. PIL can also do image-processing things like adjusting image
brightness or contrast, blurring or sharpening, and all that sort of

>Can pil for example create gif images from text? And with a choice of

	Yes, but the font support isn't very well-documented, at least
in 1.0b1, so learning to use it requires poking around in the source

A.M. Kuchling			http://starship.python.net/crew/amk/
You shouldn't trust the story-teller; only trust the story
    -- The grandfather in SANDMAN #38: "The Hunt"

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