rfc822 date header

Lars Wirzenius liw at iki.fi
Sun Apr 25 02:53:11 EDT 1999

Lars Wirzenius <liw at iki.fi>:
> Here's what I wrote for Slime (thhe mailer I'm writing):

How embarrassing, the code I posted doesn't work. I'm pretty sure it
did work, at some point in time, but either I misremember, or I broke
it, or the stuff within rfc822 I use changed. Never mind, here is the
new version:

        def _date_header(self):
                """Return Date header reflecting current time."""
                # XXX this should probably communicate the local time zone
                # somehow
                t = time.gmtime(time.time())
                return "Date: %s, %02d %s %04d %02d:%02d:%02d GMT\n" % \
                         string.capitalize(rfc822._monthnames[t[1] - 1]),

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