Python console (please play)

Ka-Ping Yee ping at
Tue Apr 13 08:38:40 EDT 1999

Hi, all.

I know it's been a long while since i last posted here,
but i have been hacking lots of Python all the while.
It's just that i mostly don't get to give it away.

Well, here's a little late-night hack i whipped up.
Thought you might enjoy it, so i'll post it here.

It all started with my annoyance at being forced to
paste code into the Python interpreter one line at a
time because the prompts foul things up.  But there is
plenty of boasting in the doc string, so i'll not add
any more words here.

Do let me know how you like it.


        I never dreamt that i would get to be
        The creature that i always meant to be
        But i thought, in spite of dreams,
        You'd be sitting somewhere here with me.


"""A Tkinter-based console for conversing with the Python interpreter,
featuring more tolerant pasting of code from other interactive sessions,
better handling of continuations than the standard Python interpreter,
highlighting of the most recently-executed code block, the ability to
edit and reexecute previously entered code, a history of recently-entered
lines, and automatic multi-level completion with pop-up menus.

Ka-Ping Yee <ping at>, 10 April 1999.  This software is in the public
domain and is provided without express or implied warranty.  Permission to
use, modify, or distribute the software for any purpose is hereby granted."""

# TODO: autoindent to matching bracket after an unbalanced line (hard)
# TODO: outdent after line starting with "break", "raise", "return", etc.
# TODO: keep a stack of indent levels for backspace to jump back to
# TODO: blink or highlight matching brackets
# TODO: delete the prompt when joining lines; allow a way to break lines

from Tkinter import *
import sys, string, traceback, types

REVISION = "$Revision: 1.3 $"
VERSION = string.split(REVISION)[1]

class OutputPipe:
    """A substitute file object for redirecting output to a function."""

    def __init__(self, writer):
        self.writer = writer
        self.closed = 0

    def __repr__(self):
        return "<OutputPipe to %s>" % repr(self.writer)

    def read(self, length):
        return ""

    def write(self, data):
        if not self.closed: self.writer(data)

    def close(self):
        self.closed = 1

class Console(Frame):
    def __init__(self, parent=None, dict={}, **options):
        """Construct from a parent widget, an optional dictionary to use
        as the namespace for execution, and any configuration options."""
        Frame.__init__(self, parent)

        if not hasattr(sys, "ps1"): sys.ps1 = ">>> "
        if not hasattr(sys, "ps2"): sys.ps2 = "... "
        self.prefixes = [sys.ps1, sys.ps2, ">> ", "> "]
        self.startup = "Python %s\n%s\n" % (sys.version, sys.copyright) + \
            "Python Console v%s by Ka-Ping Yee <ping at>\n" % VERSION
        self.dict = dict

        # The text box.

        self.text = Text(self)
        self.text.insert("end", self.startup)
        self.text.insert("end", sys.ps1)
        self.text.bind("<Return>", self.cb_return)
        self.text.bind("<ButtonPress-1>", self.cb_select)
        self.text.bind("<ButtonRelease-2>", self.cb_paste)
        self.text.bind("<Alt-KeyPress-Up>", self.cb_back)
        self.text.bind("<Alt-KeyPress-Down>", self.cb_forward)
        self.text.bind("<KeyPress>", self.cb_hidecompletions)
        self.text.bind("<KeyPress-Tab>", self.cb_complete)
        self.text.bind("<KeyPress-BackSpace>", self.cb_backspace)
        self.text.bind("<KeyRelease-BackSpace>", self.cb_nothing)

        # The scroll bar.

        self.scroll = Scrollbar(self, command=self.text.yview)
        self.scroll.pack(side=RIGHT, fill=Y)
        self.text.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=1)

        # Continuation state.

        self.continuation = 0
        self.error = 0
        self.intraceback = 0

        # The command history.

        self.history = []
        self.historyindex = None
        self.current = ""

        # Completion state.

        self.compmenus = []
        self.compindex = None
        self.compfinish = ""

        # Redirection.
        self.stdout = OutputPipe(lambda data, w=self.write: w(data, "stdout"))
        self.stderr = OutputPipe(lambda data, w=self.write: w(data, "stderr"))

        # Configurable options.

        self.options = {"stdoutcolour": "#7020c0",
                        "stderrcolour": "#c03020",
                        "morecolour": "#a0d0f0",
                        "badcolour": "#e0b0b0",
                        "runcolour": "#90d090"}
        apply(self.config, (), self.options)
        apply(self.config, (), options)

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        return self.options[key]

    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
        if not self.options.has_key(key):
            raise KeyError, 'no such configuration option "%s"' % key
        self.options[key] = value
        if key == "stdoutcolour":
            self.text.tag_configure("stdout", foreground=value)
        if key == "stderrcolour":
            self.text.tag_configure("stderr", foreground=value)

    def config(self, *args, **dict):
        """Get or set configuration options in a Tkinter-like style."""
        if args == () and dict == {}:
            return self.options
        if len(args) == 1:
            return self.options[args[0]]
        for key, value in dict.items():
            self[key] = value

    # Text box routines.

    def trim(self, command):
        """Trim any matching prefix from the given command line, returning
        the amount trimmed and the trimmed result."""
        for prefix in self.prefixes:
            if command[:len(prefix)] == prefix:
                return len(prefix), command[len(prefix):]
        return 0, command

    def getline(self, line=None, trim=0):
        """Return the command on the current line."""
        if line is None:
            line, pos = self.cursor()
        command = self.text.get("%d.0" % line, "%d.end" % line)
        if trim:
            trimmed, command = self.trim(command)
        return command

    def cursor(self):
        """Get the current line and position of the cursor."""
        cursor = self.text.index("insert")
        [line, pos] = map(string.atoi, string.split(cursor, "."))
        return line, pos
    def write(self, data, tag=None):
        """Show output from stdout or stderr in the console."""
        if self.intraceback and data[-2:] == "\n ": data = data[:-1]
        start = self.text.index("insert")
        self.text.insert("insert", data)
        end = self.text.index("insert")
        if tag: self.text.tag_add(tag, start, end)

    # History mechanism.

    def cb_back(self, event):
        """Step back in the history."""
        if self.history:
            if self.historyindex == None:
                self.current = self.getline(trim=1)
                self.historyindex = len(self.history) - 1
            elif self.historyindex > 0:
                self.historyindex = self.historyindex - 1
        return "break"

    def cb_forward(self, event):
        """Step forward in the history."""
        if self.history and self.historyindex is not None:
            self.historyindex = self.historyindex + 1
            if self.historyindex < len(self.history):
                self.historyindex = None

        return "break"

    def recall(self, command=None):
        """Show a command from the history on the current line."""
        if command is None:
            command = self.history[self.historyindex]
        line, pos = self.cursor()
        current = self.getline(line)
        trimmed, trimmedline = self.trim(current)
        cutpos = "%d.%d" % (line, trimmed)
        self.text.delete(cutpos, "%d.end" % line)
        self.text.insert(cutpos, command)
        self.text.mark_set("insert", "%d.end" % line)

    # Completion mechanism.

    def cb_complete(self, event):
        """Attempt to complete the identifier currently being typed."""
        if self.compmenus:
            if self.cursor() == self.compindex:
                # Second attempt to complete: add finishing char and continue.
                self.text.insert("insert", self.compfinish)
                self.compindex = None
            return "break"

        # Scan back for the identifier currently being typed.
        line, pos = self.cursor()
        command = self.getline()
        preceding = command[:pos]
        startchars = string.letters + "_"
        identchars = string.letters + string.digits + "_"
        while pos > 0 and preceding[pos-1] in identchars:
            pos = pos - 1
        preceding, ident = preceding[:pos], preceding[pos:]
        preceding = string.strip(preceding)
        if not ident or ident[0] in startchars:
            # Look for context before the start of the identifier.
            context = ""
            while preceding[-1:] == ".":
                preceding = string.strip(preceding[:-1])
                if preceding[-1] in identchars:
                    pos = len(preceding)-1
                    while pos > 0 and preceding[pos-1] in identchars:
                        pos = pos - 1
                    if preceding[pos] in startchars:
                        context = preceding[pos:] + "." + context
                        preceding = string.strip(preceding[:pos])
                    else: break
                else: break

            # Get the list of possible choices.
            if context:
                object = eval(context[:-1], self.dict)
                keys = members(object)
                class Lookup:
                    def __init__(self, dicts):
                        self.dicts = dicts

                    def __getattr__(self, key):
                        for dict in self.dicts:
                            if dict.has_key(key): return dict[key]
                        return None
                object = Lookup([self.dict, __builtins__.__dict__])
                keys = self.dict.keys() + dir(__builtins__)
            keys = matchingkeys(keys, ident)
            skip = len(ident)

            # Produce the completion.
            line, pos = self.cursor()
            endpos = pos
            while endpos < len(command) and command[endpos] in identchars:
                endpos = endpos + 1
            cut = "%d.%d" % (line, endpos)

            if len(keys) == 1:
                # Complete with the single possible choice.
                if self.cursor() == self.compindex:
                    # Second attempt to complete: add a dot and continue.
                    self.text.insert("insert", ".")
                    self.compindex = None
                    self.text.delete("insert", cut)
                    self.text.insert("insert", keys[0][skip:])
                        # Completed with a valid choice; next try can finish.
                        1 / len(members(getattr(object, keys[0])))
                        self.compindex = self.cursor()
                        # Object has no members; finish here.
                        self.text.insert("insert", " ")
            elif len(keys) > 1:
                # Present a menu.
                prefix = commonprefix(keys)
                if len(prefix) > skip:
                    self.text.delete("insert", cut)
                    self.text.insert("insert", keys[0][skip:len(prefix)])
                    skip = len(prefix)

                if len(keys[0]) == skip:
                    # Common prefix is a valid choice; next try can finish.
                    self.compindex = self.cursor()
                    self.compfinish = " "
                        if members(getattr(object, keys[0])):
                            # Object has members within; continue with a dot.
                            self.compfinish = "."
                    except: pass

                self.postmenus(keys, skip, cut)

        return "break"

    def postmenus(self, keys, skip, cut):
        """Post a series of menus listing all the given keys, given the
        length of the existing part so we can position the menus under the
        cursor, and the index at which to insert the completion."""
        width = self.winfo_screenwidth()
        height = self.winfo_screenheight()
        bbox = self.text.bbox("insert - %d c" % skip)
        x = self.text.winfo_rootx() + bbox[0] - 5
        y = self.text.winfo_rooty() + bbox[1] + bbox[3]

        self.compmenus = []
        menufont = self.text.cget("font")
        menu = Menu(font=menufont, bd=1, tearoff=0)
        while keys:
            def complete(s=self, k=keys[0][skip:], c=cut):
                s.text.delete("insert", c)
                s.text.insert("insert", k + " ")
            menu.add_command(label=keys[0], command=complete)
            if y + menu.winfo_reqheight() >= height:
                x = x + menu.winfo_reqwidth()
                y = 0
                menu = Menu(font=menufont, bd=1, tearoff=0)
                keys = keys[1:]
            if x + menu.winfo_reqwidth() > width:
                self.compmenus = self.compmenus[:-1]
        x = self.text.winfo_rootx() + bbox[0] - 5
        y = self.text.winfo_rooty() + bbox[1] + bbox[3]
        for menu in self.compmenus:
            maxtop = height - menu.winfo_reqheight()
            if y > maxtop: y = maxtop
  , y)
            x = x + menu.winfo_reqwidth()
    def unpostmenus(self):
        """Unpost the completion menus."""
        for menu in self.compmenus:
        self.compmenus = []
        self.incompmenu = 0

    def cb_hidecompletions(self, event):
        if self.compmenus:

    def cb_select(self, event):
        """Handle a menu selection event.  We have to check and invoke the
        completion menus manually because we are grabbing events to give the
        text box keyboard focus."""
        if self.compmenus:
            for menu in self.compmenus:
                x, y = menu.winfo_rootx(), menu.winfo_rooty()
                w, h = menu.winfo_width(), menu.winfo_height()
                if x < event.x_root < x + w and \
                   y < event.y_root < y + h:
                    item = menu.index("@%d" % (event.y_root - y))
            return "break"

    # Entering commands.

    def cb_backspace(self, event):
        """Avoid backspacing over the prompt."""
        if self.compmenus:
        line, pos = self.cursor()
        trimmed, command = self.trim(self.getline())
        if pos == trimmed: return "break"

        # Extremely basic outdenting.  Needs more work here.
        if not string.strip(command[:pos-trimmed]):
            cut = pos - 4
            if cut < trimmed: cut = trimmed
            self.text.delete("%d.%d" % (line, cut), "%d.%d" % (line, pos))
            return "break"

    def cb_nothing(self, event):
        return "break"

    def cb_return(self, event):
        """Handle a <Return> keystroke by running from the current line
        and generating a new prompt."""
        self.historyindex = None
        command = self.getline(trim=1)

        line, pos = self.cursor()
        self.text.mark_set("insert", "%d.end" % line)
        self.text.insert("insert", "\n")

        line, pos = self.cursor()
        self.text.mark_set("insert", "%d.end" % line)
        prompt = self.continuation and sys.ps2 or sys.ps1
        if pos > 0:
            self.text.insert("insert", "\n" + prompt)
            self.text.insert("insert", prompt)

        # Extremely basic autoindenting.  Needs more work here.
        indent = len(command) - len(string.lstrip(command))
        if string.lstrip(command):
            self.text.insert("insert", command[:indent])
            if string.rstrip(command)[-1] == ":":
                self.text.insert("insert", "    ")

        return "break"

    def cb_paste(self, event):
        """Handle a paste event (middle-click) in the text box.  Pasted
        text has any leading Python prompts stripped (at last!!)."""
        self.error = 0

        try: lines = string.split(self.selection_get(), "\n")
        except: return

        for i in range(len(lines)):
            trimmed, line = self.trim(lines[i])
            line = string.rstrip(line)
            if not line: continue

            self.text.insert("end", line)
            self.text.mark_set("insert", "end")
            if i < len(lines) - 1:

            if self.error: break

        return "break"

    # Executing commands.

    def runline(self, line):
        """Run some source code given the number of the last line in the
        text box.  Scan backwards to get the entire piece of code to run
        if the line is a continuation of previous lines.  Tag the compiled
        code so that it can be highlighted according to whether it is
        complete, incomplete, or illegal."""
        lastline = line
        lines = [self.getline(line)]
        while lines[0][:len(sys.ps2)] == sys.ps2:
            trimmed, lines[0] = self.trim(lines[0])
                "compiled", "%d.%d" % (line, trimmed), "%d.0" % (line+1))
            line = line - 1
            if line < 0: break
            lines[:0] = [self.getline(line)]
        if lines[0][:len(sys.ps1)] == sys.ps1:
            trimmed, lines[0] = self.trim(lines[0])
                "compiled", "%d.%d" % (line, trimmed), "%d.0" % (line+1))
            self.text.tag_add("compiled", "%d.0" % line, "%d.0" % (line+1))

        source = string.join(lines, "\n")
        if not source:
            self.continuation = 0
        status, code = self.compile(source)

        if status == "more":
            self.text.tag_configure("compiled", background=self["morecolour"])
            self.continuation = 1

        elif status == "bad":
            self.text.tag_configure("compiled", background=self["badcolour"])
            self.error = 1
            self.continuation = 0
            self.intraceback = 1
            oldout, olderr = sys.stdout, sys.stderr
            sys.stdout, sys.stderr = self.stdout, self.stderr
            traceback.print_exception(SyntaxError, code, None)
            self.stdout, self.stderr = sys.stdout, sys.stderr
            sys.stdout, sys.stderr = oldout, olderr
            self.intraceback = 0

        elif status == "okay":
            if self.getline(lastline) == sys.ps2:
                self.text.tag_remove("compiled", "%d.0" % lastline, "end")
            self.text.tag_configure("compiled", background=self["runcolour"])
            self.continuation = 0

    def compile(self, source):
        """Try to compile a piece of source code, returning a status code
        and the compiled result.  If the status code is "okay" the code is
        complete and compiled successfully; if it is "more" then the code
        can be compiled, but an interactive session should wait for more
        input; if it is "bad" then there is a syntax error in the code and
        the second returned value is the error message."""
        err = err1 = err2 = None
        code = code1 = code2 = None

            code = compile(source, "<console>", "single")
        except SyntaxError, err:
            return "okay", code

            code1 = compile(source + "\n", "<console>", "single")
        except SyntaxError, err1:
            return "more", code1

            code2 = compile(source + "\n\n", "<console>", "single")
        except SyntaxError, err2:

        if err1 != err2:
            return "more", None

            code3 = compile(source + "\n", "<console>", "exec")
        except SyntaxError, err3:
            return "okay", code3

            code4 = compile(source + "\n\n", "<console>", "exec")
        except SyntaxError, err4:

        if err3 != err4:
            return "more", None
            return "bad", err

    def run(self, code):
        """Run a code object within the sandbox for this console.  The
        sandbox redirects stdout and stderr to the console, and executes
        within the namespace associated with the console."""
        oldout, olderr = sys.stdout, sys.stderr
        sys.stdout, sys.stderr = self.stdout, self.stderr

            exec code in self.dict
            self.error = 1
            sys.last_type = sys.exc_type
            sys.last_value = sys.exc_value
            sys.last_traceback = sys.exc_traceback.tb_next
            self.intraceback = 1
                sys.last_type, sys.last_value, sys.last_traceback)
            self.intraceback = 0
        self.stdout, self.stderr = sys.stdout, sys.stderr
        sys.stdout, sys.stderr = oldout, olderr

# Helpers for the completion mechanism.

def scanclass(klass, result):
    for key in klass.__dict__.keys(): result[key] = 1
    for base in klass.__bases__: scanclass(base, result)

def members(object):
    result = {}
        for key in object.__members__: result[key] = 1
        result["__members__"] = 1
    except: pass
        for key in object.__methods__: result[key] = 1
        result["__methods__"] = 1
    except: pass
        for key in object.__dict__.keys(): result[key] = 1
        result["__dict__"] = 1
    except: pass
    if type(object) is types.ClassType:
        scanclass(object, result)
        result["__name__"] = 1
        result["__bases__"] = 1
    if type(object) is types.InstanceType:
        scanclass(object.__class__, result)
    return result.keys()

def matchingkeys(keys, prefix):
    prefixmatch = lambda key, l=len(prefix), p=prefix: key[:l] == p
    return filter(prefixmatch, keys)

def commonprefix(keys):
    if not keys: return ''
    max = len(keys[0])
    prefixes = map(lambda i, key=keys[0]: key[:i], range(max+1))
    for key in keys:
        while key[:max] != prefixes[max]:
            max = max - 1
            if max == 0: return ''
    return prefixes[max]

# Main program.

if __name__ == "__main__":
    c = Console(dict={})
    c.dict["console"] = c
    c.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=1)
    c.master.title("Python Console v%s" % VERSION)

        I never dreamt that i would get to be
        The creature that i always meant to be

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