[NOISE] [OFF-TOPIC] [BUT IMPORTANT] Re: Why use Python when we've got Perl?

Jerome Kalifa Jerome.Kalifa at polytechnique.fr
Mon Aug 16 12:37:05 EDT 1999

This is absolutely off-topic, definitely pure noise.

"Tim Peters" <tim_one at email.msn.com> writes:

> [Aahz Maruch]
> > ...
> > Arguing over whether Python is "better" than Perl is like arguing
> > over whether European food is better than Asian.
> Exactly so!  Everyone knows Asian food is better, but it's not polite to say
> so in mixed company.

Gasp, shocking! 'nearly died of heart attack when reading that. Nobody
else than Americans would dare writing such other-simplifying
absurdities :-) <--- smiley, don't shoot, we Europeans usually don't
have firearms :-) <--- second smiley.

Indeed, the comparison is silly, but for a different reason : Asian
food, European food... this doesn't mean anything at all! What's in
common between Japanese, Chinese and Cambodian foods, or between
German, English, Spanish and Italian foods? Nothing. BTW, as a biased
arrogant French, I'm not allowed to judge the food of my country, but
of course you know what I think :-)

> gastrowinkingly y'rs  - tim

Veau Marengot rules.
Jerome Kalifa
Centre de Mathematiques Appliquees,  Ecole Polytechnique.
91128 Palaiseau Cedex, France.  (33)169333981

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