Phil Mayes nospam at
Wed Aug 25 03:57:47 EDT 1999

robert_wilhelm_land wrote in message <37B96A3A.796BB034 at>...
>Are any persons in this group using the unified modelling language?
>If yes, could you kindly explain when to use the UML and what the
>advantages are?
>I have read some articles, but I'm not able to analyse the sense of the
>Would be grateful for some help

UML is a standardised set of graphical representations promulgated by the
gurus who specialise in selling high-priced snake-oil solutions to big
organisations.  They have simply brought together a number of traditional
methods such as state diagrams and decreed the detailed format.  To judge
their skill level, consider this: they chose to draw their class
inheritance trees with the arrows going up towards the root.

It may be a useful job skill when interviewing at a large corporation,
but IMHO, a whiteboard and 60 minutes thinking wins hands down.
Phil Mayes    pmayes AT olivebr DOT com

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