Sending a mail

Michael Ströder x_mst at
Mon Aug 23 12:51:01 EDT 1999

Peter Posselt Vestergaard wrote:
> I want my script to send a mail with a specific subject. I've tried to
> import and use the smtplib, but I get the message that it doesn't exist

You should really try smtplib since it's portable.

> - maybe it isn't implemented on the server I'm using, and anyway - I
> can't specify a subject using the sendmail()-command...

Read the smptlib docs more carefully. You have to write the whole header
containing From:, Subject: etc. yourself.

> text='echo "hello"|mailto posselt at -s "important message"'
> os.system(text)
> This works quite fine in my python interpreter, but not then I put it on
> the web.

This depends on your web server's OS and mail installation. Anyway you
have to ask your webmaster how to send e-mail from the shell.

> I tried to print out the standardoutput from os.system(text)
> and it was 256.

Did you really printed stdout? 256 seems to be the return code of the
os.system() call.

Ask your webmaster to install the missing smptlib.

Ciao, Michael.

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