AW: Help with dictionary, please

Felix von Delius Delius at
Fri Aug 6 08:36:26 EDT 1999

Hi Rob,

I tried the example and it worked for me. Maybe it's just a problem of
indentication, because the last two lines in Your example should be indentet
at the same level and you indented two more spaces in front of
'dict[key]...' ?!?

> 	if prev1 != '' and prev2 != '':
> 	 	   key = (prev2,prev1)
> 	           dict[key] = dict[key] + 1

Or You're mixing spaces and tabs?!? Just a guess...

Dipl.-Ing. Felix von Delius		Fon: 0911/4244-110
Projektleiter-IT				Fax: 0911/4244-100
EBox GmbH - Agentur für neue Medien	Mobil: 0172/8261220
Vordere Cramergasse 11		Email: delius at
D-90425 Nuernberg			Web:

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