NEWBIE: Setting WinNT python to point to my tcl DLL

Robert Kern kernr at
Thu Aug 19 12:45:08 EDT 1999

On Thu, 19 Aug 1999 09:43:13 -0500, "Ron A. Zajac"
<zajac at> wrote:

>Dear Python Anciens,
>  I've installed the latest Python on my WinNT system, but declined the
>Tk install, since I already have tcl/Tk8.1.1 on my system.  It appears
>to be the case I need to point the system to my current tcl/Tk install,
>however.  "IDLE" can't find "tcl80.dll" which, of course, doesn't exist.
>  Where can I make this change so IDLE can find the relevant DLL?

You can't.  IDLE itself isn't searching for tcl80.dll; the _tkinter
extension module is.  Someone *might* have Windows binaries of
_tkinter.pyd that link with TCL/TK 8.1.1, but you probably won't have
much luck.

My suggestion is to install TCL/TK 8.0.x from the Python installer.  I
don't know what uninstallation you would have to do beforehand,
though.  Do you really need TCL/TK 8.1.1 instead of 8.0.x?

Robert Kern           |
----------------------|"In the fields of Hell where the grass grows high
This space            | Are the graves of dreams allowed to die."
intentionally         |           - Richard Harter
left blank.           |

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