Upper limit?!
Gerrit Holl
gerrit.holl at pobox.com
Mon Aug 30 08:59:36 EDT 1999
On Mon, Aug 30, 1999 at 01:41:13PM +0300, Markus Stenberg wrote:
> David Oppenheimer <davidopp at megsinet.net> writes:
> > Wow, that's quite a difference! on an Alpha you can have a 19 digit number
> > as opposed to a 10 digit number on my Pentium. So the limit isn't actually
> > a factor of the programming language but a virtue (or limitation) of my
> > processor. I wonder if Intel knows about this?! LOL Makes me want to
> Yes, for machine-spesific ints.. However, some languages can kludge around
> it, like Python's bigints:
> fingon at dreamland »uname -m
> i686
> fingon at dreamland »python
> Python 1.5.2 (#0, Jul 16 1999, 19:02:32) [GCC egcs-2.91.66 Debian
> GNU/Linux (egcs-1.1.2 release)] on linux2
> Copyright 1991-1995 Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam
> >>> len(str(2L**666))
> 202
> >>>
> 202 digits, baby ;-)
201, you shouldn't count the 'L' on the end ;-)
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