The stupidest question ever seen in this newsgroup...

Gabriel Dupuis gdupuis at
Thu Aug 19 11:19:37 EDT 1999

Gabriel Dupuis wrote:
> Yeah, I know that it's a shame to ask a question like this one but...
> Ok, I just bought "Programming Python" in the hope to learn a superb
> programming langage like Python. But the first program that I try from
> the book doesn't work!
> Here's the source : (as you can see I haven't been into programming for
> a while)
> #!/usr/bin/python
> x = y / 2
> while x > 1:
>     if y % x == 0:
>          print y, 'has factor', x
>          break
>     x = x - 1
> else:
>      print y, 'is prime'
> But when I try to run it from my GNU/Linux box I got this error :
> Traceback (innermost last):
>   File "./", line 3, in ?
>     x = y / 2
> NameError: y
> Pretty sad huh? I know it's probally something very dumb (don't flame me
> please) but I can't simply find the bug and I copied the source from the
> book without any alterations...
> If somebody could just take 30 secs and look at this I'll appreciate
> much more than you can imagine.
> Thanks... (and remember kids, there's no stupid question, just stupid
> people :< )

Thanks alot everybody

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