How can I get disk space usage?

Fredrik Lundh fredrik at
Thu Dec 9 04:35:17 EST 1999

Youngbong Choe <hurd at> wrote:
> Is there a module or function for getting amount of disk free space?
> If not, how can i get disk usage infomations in python, like "df" command.

os.statvfs (where available).


import statvfs
import os

st = os.statvfs(".")

print "preferred block size", "=>", st[statvfs.F_BSIZE]
print "fundamental block size", "=>", st[statvfs.F_FRSIZE]
print "total blocks", "=>", st[statvfs.F_BLOCKS]
print "total free blocks", "=>", st[statvfs.F_BFREE]
print "available blocks", "=>", st[statvfs.F_BAVAIL]
print "total file nodes", "=>", st[statvfs.F_FILES]
print "total free nodes", "=>", st[statvfs.F_FFREE]
print "available nodes", "=>", st[statvfs.F_FAVAIL]
print "max file name length", "=>", st[statvfs.F_NAMEMAX]

## sample output:
## preferred block size => 8192
## fundamental block size => 1024
## total blocks => 749443
## total free blocks => 110442
## available blocks => 35497
## total file nodes => 92158
## total free nodes => 68164
## available nodes => 68164
## max file name length => 255


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