Help with Installer beta 3e

Andrew Sterian steriana at
Mon Dec 27 12:33:42 EST 1999

I'm trying to use Gordon McMillan's Installer beta 3e software to distribute
a set of scripts as a package. This is simple stuff, just a bunch of scripts
that need to be installed in a directory somewhere on the Python path
(i.e., no DLL's, no Tkinter, etc.)   I need this distribution to be a simple
EXE that the user can download and run, assuming Python has already
been installed.

The problem is I can't figure out how to use the Installer package. I
tried running the Simple script on my top-level script and the generated
EXE file fails to run (it says it can't find  .PY file that is part of my
I deleted all .PYC files as the installhelp file suggests, but nothing helped. there any documentation or tutorial that explains how to get started
with Installer to do basic stuff? I'm afraid Gordon's work is so robust and
flexible that the basics have been obscured.

Many thanks,


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