Python complaints

Gordon McMillan gmcm at
Wed Dec 15 09:15:17 EST 1999

Charles Boncelet wrote:
> I think all functions that operate on single things should be
> able to operate on a list of things and return a list of things.
> (Are there obvious reasons why this paradigm can't work?)


> Consider,
> >>> l = [1,2,3]
> >>> m = [l,l]
> >>> len(l)
> 2
> >>> len(m)
> 3
> I want len(m) to return [3,3]. And I want: max(len(m)) to return
> 3, etc.
> (Yes, I know I can write my version of
> len and have it return whatever I want it to, but I am wondering
> about the paradigm and why it is not generally true.)

l = [[1,2], [[1,2,3],2], 1, "eggs"]

What should len(l) produce?

What would we do with all those
  for i in range(len(...)): ?

- Gordon

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