Super Tuples

Colin J. Williams cjw at
Tue Dec 28 16:49:22 EST 1999

Paul Prescod wrote:

> I propose that in Python 1.6 tuples be given the demonstrated features:
> >>> time = (hour=24, minute=00, second=00 )
> >>> print time.hour
> 24
> >>> hr, min, sec = time
> >>> print hr, min, sec
> (24, 00, 00 )
> >>> min, sec, hr = time
> >>> print min, sec, hr
> (24, 00, 00 )
> (this last just demonstrates that tuples continue to work the way they
> always have. There is no magic about looking at the names of
> assignments)

This seems to be the PL1/Pascal record idea.  I like it.

Could one use this in a multi-level manner?

>>> transaction= (addressee= 'bloggs at', contentType= 'HTML',
...    dispatchedAt= time)                                 # time as
defined above

>>> print transaction.dispatchedAt.hour


> This proposal has the following benefits:
>  * it makes a nice syntax for a 1-item tuple :)
>  * it makes a nice syntax for non pre-declared struct-like things
>  * it aligns better with the mathematical notion of tuple
>  * the element referencing syntax is much clearer
>  * names are easier to remember and less error prone than indexes.
>  * it is still easy to rip them apart
> This proposal may lead some to consider the unification of tuples and
> object instances, which is also a discussion worth having.
> OpiniX-Mozilla-Status: 0009ould apply a patch to this effect?
>  Paul Prescod

Colin W.

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