Tk stuff...

Tobe Bradshaw tbradshaw at
Thu Dec 9 14:56:10 EST 1999


I'm an intermediate Python user starting to get to grips with Tkinter..
and I could do with some help here.. Hopefully if I just state the basic
problem you'll not laugh too much at me...

I want to write a one window application which contains just a canvas.
Unfortunately I've fallen at the first hurdle 'cause I can't figure out
how you'd make it so that resizing the main window will cause the canvas
to be appropriately resized. Currently I've got a callback on
<Configure> which simply calls .pack() on the canvas.. this obviously
doesn't work.

So.. bearing in mind that I know absolutely nothing about tcl (he says,
glaring at Ousterhout.. much use *that* is to me).. but a lot about Java
(I notice at least a few common concepts in Tk, or do I misunderstand?)
and GUIs in general.. can anyone give me a good overview of how you'd go
about common GUI tasks using Tkinter/show me a good place to look for
such info/come and write my code for me 
(delete as applicable)...

(And sorry to be a pain, but could I request you cc: my inbox, I am
fighting with our Tech. dept. to fix their ***ing newsfeed).


Toby Bradshaw                     'It's probably not my fault'
Software Engineer,             
Glen House,
125, Old Brompton Road,
London SW7 3RP.
Tel +44 (0) 171 598 7553

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