Py2K wishes

Paul Prescod paul at
Mon Dec 27 07:28:34 EST 1999

I would love it if one of my Python nits was corrected in Python 2
whenever that comes about. Consider the keywords "def" and "class"

"class": noun, taken from Marxist literature, as in "class war" and
"history class"

"def": adjective, taken from urban slang as in "def comedy jam"

Kidding aside, "class" is a noun and "def" is an abbreviation for a
verb. Furthermore, "def" is way too generic. Python has class
definitions and function definitions. The keywords should be
"func"/"function" and "class". 


The syntax for selecting base classes is un-Pythonic in the sense that
it is not clearly obvious what is going on. Java's "extends" keyword is
more Pythonic (if only the rest of Java was!).


Python has an efficient multi-level dispatching mechanism that is used
as the basis for name lookup and attribute lookup. The implementation of
this mechanism should be made availab le to the programmer. I should be
able to make a proxy object something like this:

class Proxy:
	def __init__ ( self, fallback ):

a = Proxy( someObject )

This would imply the following:

class SomeClass( someParentClass ): pass

assert SomeClass.__fallback__ == someParentClass
assert SomeClass().__fallback__ == SomeClass.__fallback__

 Paul Prescod

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