Tkinter/IDLE crash

Simon Evans simon at
Sun Dec 12 20:24:36 EST 1999

: In article <82pkpk$3o0$1 at>, I wrote:

: >    I was making my first foray into Tkinter last night (using Py 1.5.2
: >  and IDLE with Win 95).
:     [snip]
: >  the "Quit" button, and *everything* quits. The window, the IDLE
: >  session, everything! Goodbye python, goodbye IDLE, hello desktop.

  Alex replied:

: There is
: something badly broken with 1.5.2 on both Win95 and Win98,
: it seems -- something that affects IDLE, PythonWin, _and_
: the command line interpreter too, to different degrees. 

    It looks as though this is bigger than I thought. There
 must be lots of others out there having the same problem, surely?
 Or am I the only one who types in the examples out of tutorials?
 I'm fairly new to Python, but I'm pretty sure that IDLE and Tkinter
 are both pretty standard.

    If 1.5.2/Tkinter/IDLE can't manage the second-simplest
 example in the Tkinter tutorial on a popular platform like win9x,
 how on earth has anyone managed to use it for anything worthwhile?
 I can't be the first to make a big noise about this.

: I consider this to be the biggest current "environment"
: problem with Python -- that the latest implementation is
: SO fragile on the (alas) single most widespread platform,
: that it cannot really be used to develop for it:-(.

    Ok, now I'm really getting worried...I like Python, I've
 got a to-do list of applications, and I need my Tkinter,
 blast it! 

    So, gurus, what's my next step?

Simon Evans (
Physical Oceanography Group
School of Mathematics, University of New South Wales, Australia.

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