How to dates in Python?

Robert Meegan robert.meegan at
Thu Dec 30 10:46:10 EST 1999

Costas -

There is a very complete time module included in the standard library, 
called Time. There is also an additional module by Marc-Andre Lembur 
called mxDateTime that can be hunted down from the Python website.

Since you are apparently new to the Python world, let me offer the 
additional suggestion that you look at the Python Library Reference 
Manual before asking a question online. The Python community is 
friendly and helpful, but you loose points for asking questions that 
are clearly explained in the documentation.

- Robert

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Original Message <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

On 12/29/99, 9:49:18 PM, costas_menico at (Costas Menico) 
wrote regarding How to dates in Python?:

> Is there a datetime manipulation/math module for Python?

> Costas

> --

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