[OT] OpenSource Python Books?

Ivan Van Laningham ivanlan at callware.com
Thu Dec 30 15:37:56 EST 1999

Hi All--

Cameron Laird wrote:
> In article <84g70v$tcq$1 at nnrp1.deja.com>,  <poet at linuxports.com> wrote:
> >Hello,
> >
> >I know this is off topic but I represent LinuxPorts.Com and I have been
> >approached by a printer to help them publish OpenSource books. What we
> >were wondering is if there is a desire for the Python documentation in
> >printed form? We would also include a CD with the Python binary
> Yes.  Guido will probably be in touch with you
> to say that he's asked this every N megaseconds.

I was under the impression that the words "The toExcel Bookstore offers
printed copies of the Python Library Reference, Language Reference and
Tutorial. Royalties go to the PSA" on http://www.python.org/doc/ (the
documentation main page) meant that we already had, or could obtain, the
Python documentation in printed form.  Perhaps LinuxPorts.com might be
adding value, but that's not clear from the note above.  And, except for
a few glitches (such as mailbox.py), I thought Dave Beazley's book
served the purpose well, especially since its type is small enough to
make a nice, compact package that is easily handled.  Perhaps we do need
a better copy of the actual, official Python documentation, but I'm a
little leery. ...

Python has few enough books that new ones are welcomed with open arms,
but I would like to see more *good* books, myself.  I think all the
books we have now are good (contrary to Alex Martelli's oft-voiced
opinion, I think Mark Lutz' _Programming Python_ an excellent book--it's
just not good for Alex), with the possible exception of the new
_Programming with Python_ by Altom & Chapman (they misspelled *Scaliger*
for goodness' sake!), and even that seems to be at least passable.

There are *lots* of holes in the potential Python bookshelf; Tkinter(!)
(but there's at least two coming out soon), XML (there's one coming
there, too), higher math with Python, Astronomy with Python, Python &
Com, and on and on and on. ...

Books that merely *duplicate* what we already have are
counter-productive.  Books that fill holes are better.  Round books in
square holes aren't so good. ...

> >distributions on it and any extra Python software that we can.

> I'm a bit touchy about those words.  While it
> might surprise an outsider to Python, there
> would be a GREAT difference in the quality of
> the product that results from these two sample
> processes:
> 1.  LinuxPorts.Com workers copy Python-
>     looking stuff from whichever Linux
>     distribution looks most recent; and

As Cameron already pointed out, this is not a good plan.  We already
have as much of this as we want with Redhat's distros, etc.

> 2.  A domain expert compiles a list of
>     Pythonesque stuff that should be
>     CD-ROMed, and reviews his selections
>     with other Python heavyweights.

One less labor-intensive way to do this would be to take a CD snapshot
of the Vaults of Parnassus from time to time, tracking down all the
links and putting the packages, with their documentation, onto a CD. 
That would be an easy sell, I should think.

> >
> >We have also decided that if we print these books that we will be giving
> >a portion of the Gross profits back to the OpenSource community
> >and would like to know "who" that community is when it comes to
> >Python...
> The Python Consortium and Python Software Activity
> are the two canonical choices.  I trust Guido will
> tell you that, too.
> >
> >Please go to http://www.linuxports.com/ and cast your vote for the
> >Python book if you are interested.

> My answers to your questions do not constitute an
> endorsement of your project.  My allegiance is to
> Python; *Python: The complete reference* could be
> a benefit, but I'm not yet convinced.

Yup.  Basically, the idea here is that Python books should be written by
people who know and understand Python (or even, *gasp*, love Python),
and who are part of the community.  Blind cut-and-paste has given
programmers *thousands* of bad books over the years.

For the next couple of years, it will probably be possible for any
publisher to sell any book with Python as its subject matter.  After
that, only decent books will survive (who is going to write _The Python
Programming Language_ that dates as well as K&R 20-odd years on?), and
the ones we refer to day in and day out will be very few.  Maybe
_Python:  The Complete Reference_ could be one of these classics, but as
Herodotus was known to say more often than not, "I do not believe it."

Ivan (and I'll have a lot of customers, too);-)
Ivan Van Laningham
Callware Technologies, Inc.
ivanlan at callware.com
ivanlan at home.com
See also: 
Army Signal Corps:  Cu Chi, Class of '70
Author:  Teach Yourself Python in 24 Hours

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