pound bang (#!) problem...

Orlando Vazquez ovazquez at sprint.ca
Sun Dec 26 20:43:03 EST 1999

Hi guys,
I'm working on an html preprocessor for a site and I came across a
problem. I want to have a special extension on files that will be
executed by the server. (say .pyhtml)

for simplicity's sake say this is my preprocessor (preprocessor.py):


   import sys
   s = sys.stdin.read() # read until EOF and store in "s"
   print s              # print what we read

and my un processed file (index.pyhtml) looks like..


   python rules!

If my UNIX skills serve me correctly running:


should be the same as running:

   ./preprocessor.py < index.pyhtml

Right? But, when I do run index.pyhtm alone it just sits there and does
not read the file. I'm probably making a silly mistake, but I can't see
How can I make this idea work?

Thanks a great deal!
Orlando Vazquez

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