Python complaints

Fred L. Drake, Jr. fdrake at
Thu Dec 16 11:53:06 EST 1999

Ivan Van Laningham writes:
 > I really don't see the problem here.  While it might be slightly
 > convenient to sink cmath into math, it _is_ documented on the math
 > module page that cmath exists and what it is for.

  Ah, but way down at the bottom.  Nobody ever looks there.  I've
added material to the top in the next version of the documentation so
it's easier for people to learn about.

 > As to _why_ you should need to know this, I submit that if you're using
 > complex numbers in your programs, you really ought to know about the
 > cmath module and when/how you should use it.

  I think it more like this:  If you aren't using complex numbers and
get one by accident (by passing a negative number to something that
normally only takes non-negative numbers, for example!), then you are
probably failing to detect an error in the input data.  I suspect this 
is the more common problem.


Fred L. Drake, Jr.	     <fdrake at>
Corporation for National Research Initiatives

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