fixing the ForkingTCPServer?

Matt Dunford kno at
Wed Dec 8 14:20:46 EST 1999

The default ForkingTCPServer didn't seem to be cleaning up its children properly.  The only way I could get it to clean up
after itself and therefore get rid of zombie processes was by overridding the serve_forever and collect_children methods in
the ForkingTCPServer class.  If what I did safe?


HOST = ''
PORT = 4115

from SocketServer import *
from string import strip
import posix

class MyServer(ForkingTCPServer): 
	# override serve_forever def
	def serve_forever( self ):
		while 1:

	# override collect_children
	# because the default doesn't work
	def collect_children(self):
		"""Internal routine to wait for died children."""
		while self.active_children:
			pid, status = posix.waitpid(0, posix.WNOHANG)
			if not pid: continue

class echohandler(StreamRequestHandler):
	# put whatever you want the session to
	# do in the handle def, in this case
	# it echos input back to output
	def handle(self):
		while 1:
			str = self.rfile.readline( 16384 )
			if strip(str) == 'quit': break

if __name__ == '__main__':
	from socket import *
	server = MyServer((HOST, PORT), echohandler )

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