newbie question...

Amit Patel amitp at Xenon.Stanford.EDU
Tue Dec 28 22:08:35 EST 1999

 Alexander Sendzimir  <sendzimir at> wrote:
| As a developer new to the Python language and experienced with the Perl language
| (and quite a few others ;-), I'm wondering what the accepted method of handling
| a text file's contents are in Python. For example, the following Perl construct
| is pretty standard.
|     while ( <SOMEFILEHANDLE> )
|     {
|         # process each line as if comes off the file handle...
|     }
| is typical.
| The equivalent Python appears to be
|     somefilehandle = open( "some/file/name.text" )
|     all_the_lines_in_the_file = somefilehandle.readlines()
|     somefilehandle.close()
|     # now process the lines in the all_the_lines_... list
|     # using some prefered method (there's more than
|     # one way of doing this, of course ;-)

I tend to use:

import fileinput

for line in fileinput.input():
    # do something with the line

I'm not sure if you can use this for a file handle; it may only work
for filenames.  :-(

    - Amit

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