Exposing COM via XML-RPC or Something Else

Fredrik Lundh fredrik at pythonware.com
Sat Dec 4 05:40:45 EST 1999

Edward Muller <edwardam at home.com> wrote:
> I do completly agree. I spent some more time looking at the specs. But what
> languages/platforms is SOAP CURRENTLY implimented on? CURRENTLY being the key
> here. XML-RPC is implimented in C/Python/Java, etc, etc....That means I can do
> what I want to do from just about ANY OS, as a cgi script, or a java
> applet....With SOAP I can't...

now that the 1.0 specification is out [1] [2], I'm pretty
confident that there will be lots of implementations out
there real soon now.

on the other hand, why not use XML-RPC today, and
switch to SOAP when code becomes available?

> I do agree with you that SOAP would address my problem,

or you can wait for us to finish our implemenation (we
wrote Python's highly popular XML-RPC library, and plan
to add SOAP support in early 2000).  on the other hand,
if you have the time and energy, go ahead.  competition
is good !


1) http://www.pythonware.com/madscientist/draft-box-http-soap-01.txt
2) http://www.newsalert.com/bin/story?StoryId=Coenz0bWbu0znmdKXqq&FQ=Secret+Labs+AB

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