
Tim Peters tim_one at
Wed Dec 8 03:34:33 EST 1999

[Al Christians]
> Python is running a healthy 4th in the Linux.Com scripting
> languages poll.

[Barry A. Warsaw]
> Looks like your message has rallied the troops!  It's now running
> a distant second behind the 4-letter word of scripting languages :)
> Perl   42.65% (633)
> Python 16.31% (242)
> PHP    15.84% (235)

Take heart:  Deeper analysis of the data demonstrates that the Python votes
are of much higher quality.  In fact, multiplying number of votes by average
quality per vote puts Python far in the lead!

> Hmm... anybody think we need more `P' languages?

I always thought "Peters" would make a fine name for a language.

about-time-we-named-a-language-after-a-machine-ly y'rs  - tim

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