LISTS: Extract every other element - SUMMARY

Christian Tismer tismer at
Sun Dec 19 13:15:58 EST 1999

Hi Kids,

the following will outperform everything by far,
also Numeric. hee hee.

Randall Hopper wrote:
> Adrian Eyre:
>  |> I coded each of these up, working with the same list of 100,000
>  |> integers.  Here are the results.
>  |>
>  |> [snip]
>  |
>  |Did you try them all with the -O option?
> No, these were without -O.  -O betters the times around 4-5%.  Relative
> performance rankings stay the same though.
>     > python
>     APPROACH #1 :   100.00%  (2.07391 sec)
>     APPROACH #1b:    96.95%  (2.01062 sec)
>     APPROACH #2 :   697.01%  (14.4554 sec)
>     APPROACH #3 :   122.20%  (2.53422 sec)
>     APPROACH #4 :   315.16%  (6.53619 sec)
>     APPROACH #4b:   719.41%  (14.92 sec)
>     APPROACH #5 :   109.06%  (2.26185 sec)
>     APPROACH #6 :    68.83%  (1.42751 sec)

Please test approach 7, it should range at 40% or so.

def slice100(d):
	return [
	d[ 1],d[ 3],d[ 5],d[ 7],d[ 9],d[11],d[13],d[15],d[17],d[19],

def algo7(data):
	l = len(data)
	res = (l+1)/2 * [None]
	for p in xrange(0, l-99, 100):
		q = p/2
		res[q:q+50] = slice100(data[p:p+100])
	for i in range(p+1, l, 2): res[i/2] = data[i]
	return res

The key observation is this:
Access to the indexed elements costs three fast opcodes
each: Here the end of its code.

        342 LOAD_FAST           0 (d)
        345 LOAD_CONST         49 (97)
        348 BINARY_SUBSCR  
        349 LOAD_FAST           0 (d)
        352 LOAD_CONST         50 (99)
        355 BINARY_SUBSCR  
        356 BUILD_LIST         50
        359 RETURN_VALUE   

I used this trick long before when I needed fast access to many
database columns in arbitrary order. My approach was to create
a function on the fly with explicit indexing. 
Hard to beat.

ciao - chris

Christian Tismer             :^)   <mailto:tismer at>
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