Locking files? n stuff

_martin_ martin.frost at excite.co.uk
Wed Dec 15 08:12:21 EST 1999

In article <y0j4sdnr8g1.fsf at vier.idi.ntnu.no>,
  mlh at vier.idi.ntnu.no (Magnus L. Hetland) wrote:
> _martin_ <martin.frost at excite.co.uk> writes:

> > I'm writing a guestbook (and eventually counters)
> And eventually counters? Counters are much easier than guestbooks...

I thought writing a guestbook would be more challenging!

<snipped my mistake!>

> What does perl have to do with anything? ;)

Arghh, python NOT perl. Tho' I will have to some of that as well. ;(

> >
> > Also, while I'm here, is it possible to flush the output of html?
As I
> > originally wanted to have one script that handles adding and
viewing the
> > guestbook. ie
> > initial view = a form with Add and View buttons
> > When Add is pressed, the page clears and the Add form is displayed
> > When View is pressed, the page clears and the guestbook entries are
> > displayed.
> What does this have to do with flushing? Which part is it that you
> have problems implementing?

What happens is:
2 buttons on an inital form(I'm just passing a query_string for which
guestbook to pick) - Add and View,
When I click on the buttons, the next lot of html appears underneath.
[I'm guessing maybe using sys.exit() to return control back to the
browser, so when I make another request, the script is called afresh??]

<snipped stuff on shelves>

Thanks for all the help Magnus, I'll try the shelf later. (I've been
having trouble writing to a file from the script, using lists or

_martin_ @work             yorkshire pagan, tull listenin rocker.
born, bred, studying in yorkshire  replyto:martin at fronbow.force9.co.uk
'71 M Y* L++ U KQ C c- B p+ Sh s++R H+ I++ FC(The Moor) R(S11) N(S)

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