IDLE mini-hack & ?

Greg Ewing greg.ewing at
Thu Jul 22 00:12:45 EDT 1999

Isidor wrote:
> ##def date_time_stamp(self):
> def date_time_stamp():

I think the first version of that line was better.
If it's a method of a class, it'll need a self
argument. That would account for the "No arguments
expected" exception - it's being called with one
argument (self) but it's not expecting any.

By the way, does anyone else keep getting annoyed
by the fact that when that sort of error occurs
(i.e. a callback from Tkinter with the wrong
number of args) the traceback gives you NO
useful filename/linenumber?

Could the traceback printing thingy perhaps be
enhanced to go just a little bit further down the
chain and report the filename/linenumber of the
function being called, not just the line it was
being called from? Is the necessary information
present in the exception & traceback?


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