WWW/urllib.urlretrieve problems

Lars Marius Garshol larsga at ifi.uio.no
Wed Jul 14 15:33:36 EDT 1999

* Oleg Broytmann
|    First problem URL is http://www.expert.ru/ - it just timeouts.
| When I pointed Netscape to the address - the page appeared well. Lynx and
| telnet timed out too!
|    Don't understand it. What in Netscape Communicator is so good?

It works for me when using telnet...
| Second problem is with http://w3.one.net/~alward/. Netscape and lynx
| showed the page, urllib.urlretrieve() and telnet returned error403 -
| forbidden:
| ---------- Session ----------
| phd at emerald 204 >>> t w3.one.net 80
| Trying
| Connected to w3.one.net.
| Escape character is '^]'.
| GEt /~alward/ HTTP/1.0
| Host: w3.one.net

Insert 'User-agent: Mozilla/3.0' and you get the page. The page
doesn't seem to contain anything special, so I've no idea why they
block non-Mozilla user-agents.

An email to the server admin might be an idea.
--Lars M.

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