Win32 installer / "standalone" packager

Gordon McMillan gmcm at
Fri Jul 9 15:50:27 EDT 1999

This is to announce that I have made a major upgrade to my Win32 
Installer and that it is now available on's contrib site.

What's New
 Updated for 1.5.2 
 Automatic handles Python/TK apps
 Support for console / console-less apps
 New one-step generation (no config file needed)
 Detects binary (dll dependencies) even without dumpbin.exe 

Where is it?

How's it licensed?
 As loosely as possible.

More Info:

Installer is a set of utilities for creating installation
packages and quasi-standalone python executables for Win32. No
compiler is required.

Win32Installer steals from freeze, Christian Tismer's sqfreeze,
and Greg Stein's It will detect TK usage, and 
automatically install the necessary files. It can run console
apps or pure GUIs.

It can create a single-file self-extracting installation package.

It can also create quasi-standalone executables. These are not
single file; but everything exists in one directory tree with
no dependencies outside that tree, and no registry dependencies.
So uninstalling consists of deleting the directory tree, and it
shouldn't get messed up by other versions of python or TCL/TK
installed on the user's machine.

It also creates the smallest possible distributions - Python
modules are distributed as compressed archives (no source) and
imported directly from the archive. For example, Python/Lib
(excluding the test package) fits in a 475K Python_lib.pyz

Win32Installer works with Python 1.5.2. It will not work with
Python 1.5.1 or earlier, mostly because of the fact that in
1.5.2, zlib.pyd is statically linked to zlib, while in 1.5.1
it was dynamically linked.

Files: Installer_r_01.exe
Contact: gmcm at

Copyright McMillan Enterprises; licensed on the "who cares" 

- Gordon

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