how do I find memory leaks?

Stidolph, David stidolph at
Fri Jul 23 01:31:22 EDT 1999

The following is our file.  We have a file that has all
of our global variables, include one called 'debug' that is a class instance
of the Debug class.  Note that all base classes should have the following
code in them:

import Globals #for Globals.debug

class Name:

  def __del__(self):
    if __debug__: #we do this to toss in non-debug situations

  def __init__(self):
    if __debug__:

  def Destroy(self):
    if __debug__:
	#Eliminate pointers to other classes and notify any other classes
that point to it that
	#you are going away and need to have references eliminated.

Please notice that all base classes have these routines defined.  Classes
derived from them do NOT have to have this code - in fact, it will cause
warning messages.  As LogInit is called, we keep the stack trace for its
creation.  When LogDestroy is called it is noted, and when LogDel is called
the entry is removed.  I set up additional variables to control reporting in
debug mode.  The idea of this module is to track class instances and issue a
report at shutdown as to what (if anything) is left undeleted, or didn't
have the Destroy method called - or had the Destroy method called more than
once.  Output is to the standard output, which we have routed to
OutputDebugString so it goes to the MSDev Output debug window.  Any
questions?  Suggestions??


David Stidolph

P.S.  On our first use of this we found hundreds of memory leaks.  We solved
most within four hours.

####  And now for the Debug Module

#Debug Module
#This class is designed to track Python objects between their __init__() and
Destroy() method calls.
#There are different 'levels' to the tracking.  If we do it at all, we will
track the objects by the object
#id() using a dictionary.  If we have 'holdTraceback' active, then in
LogInit we get the current
#stack, translate it into a list of strings and use that list as the value
and the object reference as
#the key in the dictionary.
#As a dictionary we keep only one copy and don't allow for
LogInit/LogDestroy to be called more than
#once (have setting to throw exception if it occurs).  This means you put
the calls to LogInit and
#LogDestroy in the base class .. not the derived classes.  Proper class name
of the object is used
#by __class__.__name__.
#       Fix output for MSVC IDE to use absolute paths to Python files for
#       (Note that this works now for Windows 95, but not 98)
#       Add Python object for output in LogReport to allow output to file or
sending across net
#       Add print formatted output to wrap output (allow to send across
#       Optimize use of stack trace to reduce memory requirements.

from sys import exc_info
from traceback import extract_stack

class Debug:
  """Only one instance allowed"""

  __refDebugCount = 0 # class variable

  def __del__(self):
    Debug.__refDebugCount = Debug.__refDebugCount - 1

  def __init__(self, trackObjects = 1, holdTraceback = 1,
raiseExceptionOnDuplicate = 0, displayInit = 0, displayDestroy = 0):
    if Debug.__refDebugCount != 0:
      raise "Only one copy of debug allowed"

    if __debug__:
      self.trackObjects = trackObjects
      self.holdTraceback = holdTraceback
      self.raiseExceptionOnDuplicate = raiseExceptionOnDuplicate
      self.displayInit = displayInit
      self.displayDestroy = displayDestroy
      self.trackObjects = 0               #if we don't have debug mode, then
it doesn't matter what
      self.holdTraceback = 0              #settings we use since nothing
SHOULD be calling us.
      self.raiseExceptionOnDuplicate = 0  #Just in case we ignore and set
for nothing.
      self.displayInit = 0
      self.displayDestroy = 0

    self.activeObjects = {}     #clear dictionary
    Debug.__refDebugCount = 1    #we are initialized

  def Destroy(self):
    Debug.__refDebugCount = 0
    self.activeObjects = None

  def LogDel(self,object):
    #We wrap the destruction of the key inside a try..except block in case
the LogDestroy is called without
    #calling the LogInit (rare) or LogDestroy is being called for a second
time (far more likely).
      objectID = id(object)
      value = self.activeObjects[objectID]
      if 0 == value[1]:
        if self.raiseExceptionOnDuplicate:
          raise "MEM: LogDel called on "+object.__class__.__name__+" without
calling Destroy()"
          print "MEM: LogDel called on "+object.__class__.__name__+" without
calling Destroy()"
          if self.holdTraceback:
            tb = value[2]
            for tuple in tb[:-2]: #-2 is to eliminate report of call to
              print str(tuple[0])+'('+str(tuple[1])+'): in
              print '  '+str(tuple[3])
      del self.activeObjects[objectID]
      if self.raiseExceptionOnDuplicate:
        raise "MEM: LogDel called twice on "+object.__class__.__name__+".
See if base class doing LogInit/LogDestroy/LogDel (only one should)"
        print "MEM: LogDel called twice on "+object.__class__.__name__+".
See if base class doing LogInit/LogDestroy/LogDel (only one should)"

  #Called from each base object Destroy() method.
  def LogDestroy(self,object):
    if self.trackObjects:
      if self.displayDestroy:
        print 'MEM: ',repr(object),'of class',object.__class__.__name__,'is
being Destroyed'
      #We wrap the destruction of the key inside a try..except block in case
the LogDestroy is called without
      #calling the LogInit (rare) or LogDestroy is being called for a second
time (far more likely).
      self.activeObjects[id(object)][1] = 1

  #Called from base object __init__(self) routines
  def LogInit(self,object):
    if self.trackObjects:
      if self.displayInit:
        #display that the object has been constructed and its __init__ has
been called
        print 'MEM: ',repr(object),'of class',object.__class__.__name__,'is
being initialized'

      #traceback of stack is generated using extract_stack() and used as the
value in the
      #dictionary with the object reference used as the key.
      if self.holdTraceback:
        #We check for the object already being in the dictionary ONLY if we
will throw an 
        #exception, silent otherwise
        if self.raiseExceptionOnDuplicate:
          if self.activeObjects.haskey(object):
            raise "Object has already called LogInit"
        tb = extract_stack()
        self.activeObjects[id(object)] = [object.__class__.__name__,0,tb]
        self.activeObjects[id(object)] = [object.__class__.__name__,0,1]

  #Called at program end to report on undestroyed Python objects.
  def LogReport(self):
    # For formatting that Visual Studio can recognize, we're adjusting
    # output to look like:
    # c:\test\gagob.cpp(236) : error C2065: 'Clear' : undeclared identifier
    if self.trackObjects:
      if len(self.activeObjects) > 0:
        print 'MEM: UnDestroyed Python Objects Report:'
        print '     %s python objects total.' % len(self.activeObjects)
        print 'Summary:  These objects were not released.  Individual stack
traces follow'
        for objectID,value in self.activeObjects.items():
          print ' class ' + value[0]
        #Get Object reference and stack traceback for each undestroyed
Python object
        for objectID,value in self.activeObjects.items():
          className = value[0]
          destroyCalled = value[1]
          tb = value[2]
          if destroyCalled == 1:
            print 'MEM:  class ' + className + ' Destroy() called, but not
            print 'MEM:  class ' + className + ' Destroy() and __del__
methods not called.'
          if self.holdTraceback:
            for tuple in tb[:-2]: #-2 is to eliminate report of call to
              print str(tuple[0])+'('+str(tuple[1])+'): in
              print '  '+str(tuple[3])
          print #blank line between
        print 'MEM: Congratulations!  No Python object leaks!'

def PrintStack():
  tb = extract_stack()
  for tuple in tb[:-2]: #-2 is to eliminate report of call to PrintStack()
    print str(tuple[0])+'('+str(tuple[1])+'): in '+str(tuple[2])+','
    print '  '+str(tuple[3])

-----Original Message-----
From: Matt Gushee [mailto:mgushee at]
Sent: Thursday, July 22, 1999 7:54 PM
To: python-list at
Subject: Re: how do I find memory leaks?

"Stidolph, David" <stidolph at> writes:

> I posted a module called Debug to track down memory leaks.  It requires
> specific code be added to your __init__ and __del__ routines, as well as
> having a Destroy method we use to eliminate circular references.  If you
> want it I will post it again.

Please do!

Matt Gushee
Portland, Maine, USA

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