Include statements with python scripting

Sean Robertson seanr at
Fri Jul 30 15:24:38 EDT 1999

How do you do an include statement in python?  I know that in Cold Fusion it
would be "<cfinclude template="blue_header_noad.html">" and in an shtml file
it would be "#include"
but I need to know how this is done in Python scripting.  This script is
being embedded in a template for a classifieds page.  I have something like
this so far:

<html><head><title><!--#var name--> Search Results</title></head>

<!--#if mainclass == Employment:-->

<font size="+1">Main classification: <!--#var mainclass--> .....

I just need to know If that is how #include works, or is there some other
way that this is supposed to be done.  Please let me know as soon as
possible.  I don't check the email address in the sig over the weekend, so
please send any emails to webolutionary at

Sean Robertson
Multimedia Artist,
seanr at

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